This site presents a set of COVID-19 charts to help understand what is happening around the world. The data is sourced directly from John Hopkin's GitHub repository. The charts and created from python using pandas, plotly and orca. This site was created with, Jekyll and Bootstrap 4.
This is a free, unsupported, no guarantee or warranty service provided by me, Stephen D. Gibson (DungeonTiger). You can find me here on LinkedIn, GitHub or Facebook.
I am a Software Engineer specializing in visualization and data analytics. I am also a self styled Citizen Data Scientist.
I sometimes get this question. Long ago when the internet started and people were creating new accounts all the time I got tired of creating random user names like 'gibson_66' or 'stephen_gibson_98' so I tried to think of a user name that would be so unique it would always be available. I thought "I like dungeons" (Dungeons & Dragons) and "I like tigers", so "DungeonTiger" was born.
With all this static content it feels like the web from the 90's! So retro!